A 7 week Alchemical Journey of Kundalini Dance, Somatic Embodiment, Sacred Healing & Activation

This is for you Sacred Woman.

You are whole, human & holy.

You are all of it and every space in between.

You are dark & light, unseen & seen, practical & magical, destruction & creation…can you let allow your sacred spine to unfurl the wisdom of your animal body and channel your cosmic starfire?

Let divinity dance through you and embrace the spectrum of your cosmic body.

OCT 15   Sacred Serpent
OCT 22
Cosmic Egg
OCT 29 
Radiant Flame
  Winged Serpent
NOV 12
  Sacred Script
NOV 19 
  Dragon Eye
NOV 26 

This is for the trailblazers, the visionaries, the luminaries, the change-makers and the mavericks, the women who lead themselves with embodied intuition, soul knowing and lionhearted love—you know who you are. You are The One. The soul-guided, womb-powered force of nature, and your truth is a living flame. You are here to burn bright in your unique radiance. To shift paradigms, rewrite a new sacred story, and awaken the depths of your divine design. You are ancient wisdom embodied. You know that with every breath and every movement, you can shift paradigms, awaken dormant DNA, ignite transformation, and co-create a new spiral of life that feels powerful and pleasurable.

This journey is for you—the women who embody the balance of power and grace, who know their presence is magnetic, and who trust the wisdom of their womb and whispers of their soul. You are divinely human, embracing the sacred union of your earthly and cosmic essence, ready to rebirth yourself again into rainbow frequencies of creativity, harmony and fulfillment.

You’re not here to play small. You’re here to dance with the dragon of truth, honour your pleasure pathways, and to embrace the infinite possibilities that come from being fully alive in your power. Together, we rise, rebirth, and recreate a new simmering spectrum of life ~ one that’s guided by the divine essence that you illuminate within. This is your invitation to dance fully into your magnificence and feel all the wisdom and starfire of your sacred self.


In the ancient wisdom of the serpent, we find a deep connection to the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. Just as the snake sheds its skin to grow and glow, we too are invited to release what no longer serves us—old patterns, limiting beliefs, ideologies, and energies that hold us back from our becoming. In this natural unfurling and shedding, we make way for our most vibrant and empowered selves to emerge.

Serpent & Starfire invites you to experience profound transformation through the sacred art of Kundalini Dance, where the power of the Divine Feminine and the wisdom of the Divine Masculine dance within.

Kundalini energy, the coiled serpent at the base of the spine, is a primordial life force that rises and spirals through the body, bringing deep cellular healing and soul alignment. As we dance, we embody the essence of the sacred serpent—rooted in the earth, connected to our earth star chakra, feeling our primal nature - and we embrace the crystalline infused energy of fire, cosmic light and our soul star chakra. Through our devotion to sensing our inner impulse, we move our medicine bodies, shed old layers, ignite the power inside our wise spine, and reveal the radiant starfire of our soul’s wisdom.

This journey honours your wisdom and your magic.

We are here to honour all parts of us.
To honour the earthly and cosmic elements of our being ~ our
wisdom and our magic.
To know that our divinity is deeply woven with the DNA of our humanity.

Through this sacred series, you will embody your serpentine instinctual knowing while also expanding into your celestial realm of self.

Come feel release & renewal, death & rebirth, intuitive sensing & divine surrender.

AWAKEN & REMEMBER THAT YOU are serpent & starfire


Dancing your Starfire is the majestic embodiment of your inner flame, sacred expression, and cosmic connection.

It’s a journey of opening up to more of your inner wisdom, allowing the sparkling flow of divine knowing to move through you, and expressing the unique essence of your soul through the body. As we activate the fire of pineal gland, our shimmering crown and soul star chakra, we open a portal to higher realms of consciousness that invites the wisdom of the cosmos to channel through our movement, expression, and creative energy.

As we remember and reawaken our ability to co-create, speak, hear and express from the clarity of our soul, we know our body as a channel for divine communication, and the rhythm of our heart as a sacred drum of truth and wisdom.

Our spine aligns to the crystalline diamonds of wisdom within, opening the flow of authentic expression, where every movement becomes a prayer, a poem, a song to the universe.

Whether you are an artist, healer, or intuitive, or simply yearning to transform and inspire yourself from the inside out, this sacred space invites you to channel the creative power of the earth & cosmos and remember your wisdom within.. Your dance becomes a living creation and art form, embodying your role as a creator, expressing the cosmic flow through your unique gifts.

Through this dance, you are not just dancing ~ you are expressing and embodying your Starfire, the cosmic flame of your soul. This is where your wisdom and creativity feel fully alive and embodied!


Trust your ANIMAL body


Cultivate your intuition


Reclaim your power


Feel your freedom

INCREASE pleasure & fulfillment

EXpress your truth


Surrender to SOURCE

Awaken higher consciousnesS


This is for women to remember how powerful and wise they are and how to surrender open their wise body and soul wisdom to light the way.

Together in Sisterhood, we co-create a sacred space where you are free to be you.

This ceremonial journey is a portal of possibility and a quantum healing experience. Weaving the alchemical art of Kundalini Dance with other soulful self-discovery rituals and visionary tools, it is a devotional journey of the sacredness of self. Each ceremony is a unique alchemical healing experience that supports deep release and deep empowerment.

This is movement medicine for your body, mind and soul, and authentic expression of your sacred breath, energy and wisdom.

This transformational dance practice fosters a space that you are the wisest of the wise and that you can cultivate even deeper self-trust, self-knowing, self-love, and self-healing. This is an invitation to embrace the spectrum of your embodied wholeness and know that you are powerfully creative, worthy, and wise.






Includes All 7 Alchemical In Person Dances
Tuesdays from 7 - 9:30pm

OCT 15   Sacred Serpent
OCT 22
Cosmic Egg
OCT 29 
Radiant Flame
  Winged Serpent
NOV 12
  Sacred Script
NOV 19 
  Dragon Eye
NOV 26 

these incredible bonuses to support your process

BONUS #1    Weekly Energy Healing Frequencies
Distance Group Transmission sent to you on Tuesday Mornings prior to dance
BONUS #3    Luminous Shakti Spine Activation
Online Community Circle on December 3 at 7pm
BONUS #4 Serpent & Starfire Music Playlists
Reactivate & Remember

Sale Price:CA$525.00 Original Price:CA$650.00
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This ADD-ON Package includes Option 1


1 Shakti Akashic Record Session
The Akashic Realms hold an infinite well of sacred information about your you and your soul. This session is in devotion to your Shakti Essence - calling forth your Divine Feminine luminosity to shine a new creation story. Heal past patterns & wounds to raise your vibration and rebirth a new you.

1 Personal Chakra ReBalancing Session
Harmonize the subtle energies of the physical, subconscious and energetic levels of your body, mind and spirit for your most harmonious, vibrant and empowered self. This healing session will rebalance your chakra system and recalibrate your whole self. Increase vitality and energy, regulate your nervous system, and feel your inner stream of wisdom within.

Sale Price:CA$875.00 Original Price:CA$1,075.00
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All in person sessions are in East Vancouver near Commercial Drive & Hastings area.


Have questions or want to connect by phone before saying yes? Please book a Connection Call with me - I'm more than happy to chat and if this is a good fit for you.

Want to pay via E-transfer, or need a Payment Plan? Please reach out to arrange.
{click here to Email Me}

If you are feeling the sacred call to join us but need financial assistance please connect with me to explore the possibility of an energy exchange and partial scholarship option. I never want money to be a barrier to this practice and know that women have different levels of income and privilege.

For me, being in Service to Love also means circulating abundance as a ripple effect of love. As part of your registration I will be contributing to The Children of the Seven Rays Foundation for non-profit Indigenous empowerment projects in Peru and Vancouver.

I am a Certified Advanced Kundalini Dance Priestess of the Rose since 2013 and also one of two global Teacher Trainers mentored by Leyolah Antara.


Thank you to Ian MacKenzie and Mina Lumena for capturing our essence with these glorious photos, and to all the women who shine so bright.