Alchemy of Embodied Wholeness

An 8 week alchemical journey of Kundalini Dance, Somatic Embodiment, Sacred Healing & Activation


This is for you Embodied Woman.

 This is dance of Reclamation, Healing, Wholeness, Freedom & Sacred Inner Union.

You are worthy to remember and reclaim ALL of who you are.

We are human BEings and are designed to Feel It All.
This multidimensional spectrum of our humanity IS our divinity.

Come embrace who you are and how you are feeling, and dance your emotional expression, your essence, your whole self in a healthy and holy way.

Give yourself permission to move your stagnant energy, numbness, grief, worry, anger…and allow your authentic energy impulse to connect you to your Divine Feminine Shakti flow and to lift your vibration into LOVE and love’s embrace.

Let this alchemical healing container of transformation fill all the spaces and places within you with GOLD and infuse you with the medicine of your own sacred self.

Harmonize and Balance your feminine and masculine energy system as One, in Sacred Inner Union.

Dance your Essence Self and feel the power and pleasure of Who You Are light up pathways of infinite potential and possibility.

Have a prayer you are praying for? Breathe it into being.

Have a dream on your heart? Dance it alive.

Have a creative impulse you wish to birth into the world? Expand it with your own wise wisdom.

Have a heart’s yearning? Nurture it with love.

🐍 💎 🐉

This dance is for you to activate the channels of your creativity and dance your prayers into the portal of possibility.

Allow the Temple of your Heart to illuminate the way.

Feel the grandness of your unique thread of love weave its way through your mind, body and soul, dancing it into your life.

Let divinity dance through you.




This sacred 8 week ceremony is a beautiful blend of In Person Dance Journeys and Online Activations.

 It’s a special time for you to dance with the power of your heart and soul and to honour your inner wisdom.

Come, join us in sacred sisterhood to commune with your multidimensional self and to tune into the frequencies of divine energies that support you and your highest alignment.


This ceremonial journey is a portal of possibility and a quantum healing experience. Weaving the alchemical art of Kundalini Dance with other soulful self-discovery rituals and 5D visionary tools, it is a devotional journey of self discovery that will balance and amplify your mind, body and soul.

It is movement medicine for your heart, and authentic expression of your breath, sound and energy pathways of life-force love.

Each ceremony is a unique alchemical healing experience that fosters self-trust, self-love, and self-healing. It’s an invitation to embrace the spectrum of your wholeness and know that you are powerfully creative, worthy, and wise.

As we travel the Alchemical Map - each Chakra, Archetype and Essence holds a key to deeper understanding and is a doorway and portal into your own inner wisdom.

Each dance becomes a transformational process of deep presence, self-healing, and energetic alchemy as we not only move our physical bodies, but also empower and heal our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. As we flow throughout the weeks and increase our vibration, transmissions will continue to pour in from the Elements and Sacred Guides in how to embody, and live in our most exalted, benevolent path of rainbow light codes and prosperity.



Trust your body

Cultivate your intuition

Awaken higher consciousnesS

Reclaim your power

Feel your freedom

Surrender to the Divine

Cultivate joy, pleasure & ecstasy

Enhance prosperity grids

EXpress your truth


HEAL your womb

Commune with your ancestors & Guides



FEBRUARY 6 - MARCH 27, 2024

Choose a registration Options are below ~ Early Registration Pricing is on now.
* of a Sacred Light Language Healing Infusion Collective Session if you register or begin a payment plan by January 23, 2024.



This exquisite and empowering program includes 7 Alchemical Dances.
Each dance is a unique blueprint that embraces a Vibration, Chakra, Archetype, Colour Code, and Essence

FEB 6  ::  Earth / Root / Divine Mother / Red / Anchor / Surrender
FEB 13  ::  Water / Sacral / Lover / Orange / Cultivate / Nurture
FEB 20  ::  Fire / Solar / Wild Woman / Yellow / Transform / Empower
FEB 27  ::  Air / Heart / Healer / Green / Revitalize / Liberate
MARCH 5  ::  Ether / Throat / Leader / Blue / Reclaim / Express
MARCH 12  ::  Inner Vision / Third Eye / Visionary / Purple / Explore / Envision
MARCH 19  ::  Inner Wisdom / Crown / Wise Woman / White / Illuminate / Weave

And also includes: 

BONUS #1 :: Weekly Blessings & Chakra Healy Frequencies {30min Distance Group Transmission sent Wednesday Mornings prior to dance that night}
➼ BONUS #2 :: Sacred Embodiment Mentorship {45min Private Session by phone}
➼ BONUS #3 :: Luminous Heart Activation {Online Community Circle March 2 at 10am}

➼ Seven Musical Medicine Playlists to listen to whenever as you desire
➼ Alchemical Workbook – the perfect journal companion for deepening your weekly ceremonies and integration with chakra insight, reflection questions, inspiration for mind-body-soul illumination and re-weaving your tapestry of light.
➼ 8 Weeks of Sacred Mentorship – additional healing transmissions, support, chakra embodiment insight, and inspiration through private Facebook group guidance and weekly LIVE healing video transmissions for deeper insight, alchemy, and integration.

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All Dance Ceremonies are In Person on Tuesdays 7pm – 9:30pm in East Vancouver near Commercial Drive and Hastings St.




This Soulful Empowerment Package includes:
🖤 All of details from Option 1


One Akashic Record Soul Session :: The Akashic Records hold an infinite well of sacred information about your soul, its themes and lessons. It is truth and love. It is the living record of past, present and future creations of your soul and assists you in remembering and aligning to your own creation story. Heal past patterns and wounds, raise your frequency and vibrate with love.

One Personal Chakra ReBalancing Session :: Harmonize the subtle energies of the physical, subconscious and energetic levels of your body, mind and spirit for your most graceful and harmonious healing. This alchemical session is to rebalance your chakra system which will thus empower your nervous system, lifeforce energy, and ability to tap into yiur inner stream of wisdom and vitality.

Sessions are 60min long by phone



This Divine Design Essence Mentorship includes:
🖤 All of the details from Option 1


🖤 4 Personal Divine Design Sessions: These will support your alchemical process of healing, harmony and empowerment. It will be a natural blend of sacred tools and processes from the Akashic Records, Divine Design Activation, Light Infusion, Rose Alchemy, Somatic Embodiment & Sacred Inner Visioning. (60min sessions by phone/zoom).

🖤 1 Light Language Activation Session + one 7 Shape Essence Grid for 10 weeks: This is a brilliant and powerful way to shift your life with light! Infuse a new energetic frequency into your aura for 10 weeks, and BE a vibration of this sacred embodiment, magnetism, and radiance. Together we will co-create which 7 shaped essence grid (out of 72 grids) will offer you the blessing you desire in your life, depending on your intention, dreams and desired embodiment. Once the grid is ‘set’ in your aura it will activate your energy body, restore your channel of light, fortify your chakras, and assist you to vibrate in impeccable resonance for your body, mind and soul. It is pure magic, yet ancient technology from the Mayan tradition. Examples of personal grids includes: Self-Love, Leadership, Health, Peace, Abundance, Faith, Receiving, Courage, Joy….{read more here}

🖤 12 Weeks of Text Mentorship - a sacred container to continue to share your personal process throughout your journey and welcome yourself into the fresh kundalini lifeforce of love. Be witnessed, feel held, share challenges, ask questions, exclaim delight, and gain crystalline clarity on the energetics that support your higher alignment and celebrate your embodied success! Invaluable 12 weeks of 1:1 support that includes weekly distance healing.


All in person sessions are in East Vancouver near Commercial Drive & Hastings area.


Have questions or want to connect by phone before saying yes? Please book a Connection Call with me - I'm more than happy to chat and if this is a good fit for you.

Want to pay via E-transfer, or need a Payment Plan? No problem! Please reach out to arrange.
{click here to Email Me}

If you are feeling the sacred call to join us and need financial assistance please connect with me to explore the possibility of an energy exchange and partial scholarship option. I never want money to be a barrier to this practice and know that women have different levels of income and privilege.

For me, being in Service to Love also means circulating abundance as a ripple effect of love. As part of your registration I will be contributing to The Children of the Seven Rays Foundation for non-profit Indigenous empowerment projects in Peru and Vancouver.

I am a Certified Advanced Kundalini Dance Priestess of the Rose since 2013 and also one of four global Teacher Trainers mentored by Leyolah Antara.


Thank you to Ian MacKenzie and Mina Lumena for capturing our essence with these glorious photos, and to all the women who shine so bright.